
Showing posts from 2016

Custom Message extension using Messages SDK - iMessage App store

In our previous article , we discussed about creating custom sticker extension for our iMessage App store. We used images and using Messages SDK, we are able to create the custom extension for sticker. We also created a basic sticker extension in this article . Apple Messages SDK provides lot more features than just creating stickers. In today's article, we will create a custom message extension using Messages SDK and run them on iMessage app store. Before diving in to the project, lets look at the classes provided by Apple for implementation. MSMessagesAppViewController The MSMessagesAppViewController class acts as the principal view controller for Messages extensions. Use this class to manage your extension. MSMessageTemplateLayout The MSMessageTemplateLayout describes how an MSMessage object is presented in the transcript. The message template includes the Message extension’s icon, an image, video, or audio file, and a number of text elements (title, subtitle, captio...

Custom sticker extension using Messages SDK - iMessage App store

In our previous article , we discussed about creating basic sticker extension for our iMessage App store. This step requires  to create imgages but no coding effort. Today, in this article we will discuss about creating a custom sticker extension and create stickers from the app. Before diving in to the project, let's have a quick glance about the new classes provided by Apple for implementation. MSMessagesAppViewController The MSMessagesAppViewController class acts as the principal view controller for Messages extensions. Use this class to manage your extension. MSStickerBrowserViewController Use the MSStickerBrowserViewController to present the standard sticker browser. This browser provides drag-and-drop functionality. The user can press and hold a sticker to peel it from the browser, then drag the sticker to any balloon in the transcript. The user can also tap stickers to add them to the Messages app’s input field. MSSticker A sticker for use in the Messages a...

Basic Sticker Extension using Messages SDK - iMessage App Extension

Message App Extensions When bots and stickers are already available in most popular messaging apps, Apple has brought the native iMessage applications to the competition. Now developers can create app extensions, which can be part of existing apps or an individual extension which would be available in iMessage App Store. This iMessage App store is completely different from regular App Store. Using app extensions, Apple will allow its developers to create basic sticker packs, custom sticker applications and custom applications. Before we jump into the whole coding thing, let's have a quick look at app extensions. App Extension An app extension allows the developers to extend the custom functionality and contents beyond the application while the users are interacting with other apps or system. For example, a Today widget is a great extension to view the information even though the users are using any app. An app extension is a separate binary that runs inde...

Android Studio Shortcuts (MAC)

A ndroid Studio Shortcuts (MAC) KEYS RESULTS CTRL + R Build and Run CMD+O Find Class CMD+B Go to Class Definition CMD + SHIFT + O Find file CTRL + ALT + L Code reformatting. It has other interesting options as well. For example, optimize imports. Double Shift Search everywhere. So you don’t have to open folders to find the files you’re looking for CMD + P Show parameters for selected method OPTION + CMD + O Search by symbol name CMD + Backspace Delete line CTRL+D Debug CTRL + ALT + M Extract Method CTRL + ALT + F Extract Field CTRL + N Search code file in project CTRL + E Show recent files CTRL + Shift + E Search from all files (including xml) ALT +Enter Hint for any issue, error, warning etc. CTRL + Shift + Numpad + Expand All Functions CTRL + Shift + Numpad - Minimize All Functions CTRL + Shift + F12 Close All Opened Sidebar Menus Cmd + Shift + T Generate a test class for t...